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Endurance cyclist Chris Hall cycles 107km every day for 107 days

Could you cycle 11,550km in just over three months? This guy can...

Remember Chris Hall? He's the incredible fool who's attempting to cycle 107 kilometres every day for 107 days... and he's almost done it!

London cyclist Chris Hall is riding 107km for 107 days

Photo by Francis Cade
Chris is hurtling towards that finish line on April 1st, but it definitely hasn't been an easy ride getting to this point.
We've been following Chris' journey closely (following being the operative word here - because even after three months, somehow he's still sitting at 35kph) and what's stuck out most is the mental resilience this man has.
London cyclist Chris Hall is riding 107km for 107 days
There have been plenty of points where most of us would have called it a day.
Cycling through rain, snow, sleet, and in temperatures so cold Chris says he "froze his fingers to the point he thought they were going to drop off" - knowing he has to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.
Then there was Storm Doris! Chris admits battling that gale-force headwind was painful. "I looked down and I was doing 500 watts and 15kph - it was pretty crippling," he says.
Chris Hall catches a snooze
Photo by Francis Cade
To top it all off, on Day 39 Chris got a vomiting bug so bad he couldn't even leave his house. We'll spare you the gory details, but Chris explains: "All I wanted to do is curl up in bed, but I knew I still had to get the distance done. It took me 9 hours to complete the distance on the turbo one day, I physically had no energy to turn the pedals." Brutal.
“Getting through that was a stubbornness more than anything. It’s the worst my body’s felt but there can’t be many days worse than that, so knowing that I got through that is a sort of personal boost. In theory, nothing is going to be as bad as those couple of days. Touch wood!"
Chris Hall enjoys a coffee break
Photo by Francis Cade
But a lot of what's got Chris is “Those kids are also my driving force, it’s why I wear their number on my jersey. There are a few points in this event where things have got really challenging. But I've always got that reminder that it’s really nothing compared to some of the challenges these kids face."
We think what Chris is doing is incredible, and wanted to help him get even more exposure for his challenge. So we've teamed up with ex-elite turned cycling YouTuber Francis Cade​ to document Chris' journey.

Take a look at Part Two of our 107 for 107 series:

 If you haven't seen Part One, check it out here:


 Chris is doing this to raise awareness for a school called the Pace Centre. He's also got a charity collection going, take a look here.
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