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Francis Cade's Bikepacking Survival Kit After 12,000 Miles

Francis Cade's Bikepacking Survival Kit After 12,000 Miles

For anyone considering a similar adventure to Francis Cade's Malaysia trip, having a well-prepared survival kit is crucial. Here's a peek into what Francis caries in his bar bag, which is always within easy reach:

  1. Multi-Tool with Chain Breaker: I use the Park MT-40, which is well-made and comprehensive, featuring Allen keys, Torx drivers, and a flathead screwdriver. The chain breaker is a lifesaver for reattaching a broken chain.
  2. Proper Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Keeping up with hygiene, even on the road, makes a big difference. A proper toothbrush and toothpaste can boost morale.
  3. Tire Levers: Essential for changing tires, especially if traveling with others who might not have the same tire and wheel combination.
  4. Chain Lube: I carry a full bottle of Silca Synergetic chain lube to keep the bike running smoothly and quietly.
  5. Adjustable Spanner: Surprisingly useful, it doubles as a pedal spanner and is handy for various repairs.
  6. Cable Ties and Bolts: These small items can fix numerous issues, from securing cables to replacing lost bolts.
  7. Patch Kit: I prefer Park Tool's non-preglued patches, which are more reliable than preglued ones.
  8. Leatherman Multi-Tool: This versatile tool includes pliers, a knife, screwdrivers, and more, useful for many unexpected situations.
  9. UV Protective Lip Balm: Protects against sunburn and chapped lips, crucial in varying climates.
  10. Sun Cream Roll-On: Easy to apply on the go, this kid-friendly, long-lasting sun cream is perfect for bike trips.

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