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Chris Hall cycles 107 km every day for 107 days

Introducing Chris Hall's 107 for 107 challenge and special edition jersey

Here at Attacus we love people who do amazing things on their bikes. Cyclist Chris Hall is one of those people.
Endurance cyclist Chris Hall rides 107 for 107 challenge in Attacus Cycling jersey
On Friday December 16th, he began attempting to cycle 107 kilometres a day for 107 days. He plans to keep doing this until Saturday April 1st (And no, it's not an April fool).


He's doing pretty great so far. Every week he's been riding 749km - that's the distance from London to Geneva, Switzerland.

Chris Hall rides 107 for 107 in Attacus Cycling jersey

He'll be doing that for 15 weeks in a row all in all, and fitting a full-time job somewhere in there too!


So why's Chris doing all of this?  To raise awareness of 107 very special children, the students at the Pace Centre. The Pace Centre is a school which transforms the lives of kids up to the age of 18 with motor disorders such as cerebral palsy.


Completely self-funded, it's founded on the firm belief that every child has the ability to learn and make progress.

Chris Hall rides 107 for 107 in Attacus Cycling jersey

 As well as being physically taxing, this challenge is a constant mental battle for Chris too. The support from his mates, and the strangers, who turn up each day and lend him a wheel to sit on are his driving force.

Chris also wanted a piece of kit not only to commemorate this challenge, but something to help give him that extra boost of motivation when the going gets tough.

Chris Hall rides 107 for 107 in Attacus Cycling jersey and bib shorts

After chatting and riding with Chris, we had an idea, and got to work creating the Attacus + 107 Jersey. A reminder of those 107 children. A reminder that while he may be struggling, we all struggle.


Together with Cardiff-based designer Jo Ward, we created a bold monochrome print which represent a cluster of roads. With 107s fixed within the geometrics - so Chris only has to glance down if his motivation momentarily dwindles.


Watch how Chris' been doing so far here:

You can find out more and donate to Chris' cause here.

See you on the road
Jimmi & Emily
Founders, Attacus Cycling
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